Friday, February 16, 2007

oh... you know... life

1) There was an earthquake here last Monday... only a few seconds, but still a 6.1 on the Richter scale. Weird.

2) I just made chicken alfredo from scratch for the first time today! And it was not a failure at all, but rather quite the contrary... a rather savory success. And you should see me manage my little cart that a trip to the grocery store necessitates... and on the bus, no less.

3) A few photos now from a recent trip to San Sebastian and Bilbao with my middle school friend Leila all the way back from Tuscaloosa with whom I was reunited thanks to the wonders of facebook and her roommate. San Sebastian is a truly charming city, remarkable for the combination of mountains and beach. It has an enchanting cove and precious old centro area full of original boutiques and such. Completely underrated on the grand scale of European cities... easily one of my all-time favorites in Spain... perhaps in all of Europe.

Bilbao is totally worth visiting simply for the Guggenheim... absolutely absurd. Frank Gehry is a veritable genius. Never has glass, marble, and titanium assembled to create such a fascinating structure. Definitely all it's cracked up to be... as is the Subway found only meters outside the entrance where we had lunch. Definitely endulged in the guilty pleasure of not only eating the sandwich, but gloating slightly on the inside when we knew the "appropriate Subway conduct" of ordering a sandwich and three Spanish businessmen were clearly confused at ordering a "personalized" sandwich and paying all at the same time (clearly un-Spanish).

Is it bad that my personal favorite part of San Sebastian was the purchase of an original bikini from this amazing little boutique we stumbled upon accidentally... directly from the designer himself? It should be coming in the mail shortly. You can check out his things on his website here... his collection is the one called "Goiuri"... the other ones are from other designers. (Sorry, it's all in Castellano or the other Spanish languages which I don't know.) My actual suit is not shown, but you can get the flavor. :) My personal hope is that he will blow up, become famous, and then I can boast "oh... I had one of thooooooose bikinis before Jennifer (Lopez, Garner, or Aniston... you pick... me da igual) did."

Plus, a group of my students from segundo de ESO (ie 8th grade) told me that they liked me better than their real teacher and wanted to know why I couldn't teach all of their English classes. Haha... aw.


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