Saturday, November 11, 2006

see? i'm making a difference...

My hope is that this entry will reassure any and all who might be worried that I am the same old Julie Ann here in Spain as I am anywhere else in the world...

So I have this Spanish friend who likes to sometimes practice speaking English with me. Understandable, no big deal. But the thing is... he likes to use the f-word in order to sound cool. Furthermore, he has a few German friends that I've met who also use the f-word... specifically in the context of "f-ing shit."

Now, don't get me wrong about what I am about to say... I have absolutley no problem with foreigners trying to speak English. (I mean... first of all, I'm doing the same with Spanish, and additionally, I truly appreciate the use of English if the alternative is something ridiculous like German.) BUT, if you know me at all, at all, at all... in the least bit possible... you know that I absolutely detest the use of said f-word by a native English speaker... much less a non-native speaker. It is my belief that when a non-native speaker curses at all, but specifically uses the f-word, that they sound just silly because clearly, they do not know the proper usage of the word, and besides, they say it with a goofy accent. Dumb.

So clearly, I began correcting my new friends. I simply told my Spanish friend that I hate the use of the f-word in English, just like I would tell any of my native English-speaking friends. He asked me why, and I did my best to describe that I think it's incredibly vulgar, strong, unnecessary, and just sounds bad. So then when his German friends began using it in front of me... he corrected them. Then, knowing more English than him, they asked me what they should say in place of "f-ing shit," so I told them that "that sucks" would be sufficient for what they were trying to express.


Julie Ann Burandt... cleaning up the English language one foul-mouthed foreigner at a time. ;)

P.S... Right now there is a b-rated movie on t.v. about a woman who lets a gambling problem ruin her life and her family... I'm pretty sure it's a "Lifetime Original."


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