Tuesday, February 06, 2007

being put to good use...

So today I received the best question I've been asked yet... the students are supposed to be filling out these exercises that incorporate the ideas of "as (fill in adjective) as" and "not as (fill in adjective) as" as well as "too (adjective)" and "not (adjective) enough." So clearly, no one is really doing it, and these girls call me over for some "help." And clearly, we're speaking in Spanish because although this is an English class... no one is interested the silly, practical, conversational English... but rather the following:

Student: Julie, can you come here?
Me: Sure. What's up?
Student: What does "smack that" mean?
Me: Wait... what??
(keep in mind this is pronounced with a thick Spanish accent, therefore hard to decipher)
Student: "Smack that"
Me: (Looks down at notebook and sees attempt to write said phrase, but it's spelled "smake that") Ooooooh... smack that... well, it's kinda like "hit that"... but in a distinct way.
Student: What about "P-I-M-P?"
(she actually spelled it out
Me: Hahahaha... uh... have you been listening to 50 Cent?
Student: Yes! I love hip-hop/rap music. So, what does "P-I-M-P" mean?
Me: Well... it's how you spell "pimp." A pimp is the guy that's in charge of prostitutes. Isn't this wonderful knowledge I'm imparting. Maybe we should finish the worksheet?

Thank you, 50, for inspiring my students in Almonte, Spain.

A little more food for thought:

1) It's super awkward to me that in international flights you are expected to be able to sit down next to a complete stranger... just the two of you... nice and cozy... ask him permission any time you want to get up and go to the bathroom or fill a water bottle... eat all your meals by him... and then lean back your seat and fall asleep right next to him. That's just a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle to intimate for my liking.

2) It's really hard for the Spanish people to decipher/pronouce "t-shirt" and "teacher." Trying pronouncing the difference yourself. It's kinda hard.


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