Sunday, December 17, 2006

feliz navidad

Now ever since I threw "Julie Ann's Claymation Christmas Party" in Tuscaloosa my junior year of high school after baking 9 different types of Christmas cookies, a gingerbread house, and giving out invitations to all my friends specifying that they bring "G" rated gifts suitable to open in front of your grandmother to play the "white elephant/dirty santa" gift exchange game... I have known I absolutely LOVE, love, love Christmas.

I mean my one of my all time favorite movies in general (forget just Christmas movies) is "White Christmas"... not to mention that my mother and I make it a tradition to not only watch it, but also "Holiday Inn," both the old and the new "Miracle of 34th Street," both "The Santa Clause" one and two, both "Home Alone" one and two, "Christmas Vacation," "A Charlie Brown Christmas," "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," "It's a Wonderful Life," and "Elf."

I now have 230 Christmas songs on my ipod.

I used to be of the "why do they start Christmas earilier and eariler every year" brigade until I realized, "uuuhhh Christmas dominates, why not let the season last as long as it possibly can?" Why shouldn't I let the fact that I get to celebrate the fact that Jesus was born for two whole months? Fine by me!

So of course, it has torn my little heart up not being able to celebrate Christmas with all the people that I love in the United States... but scattered through here are photos of my delight-tation of Christmas here in Spain. They have turned on all the beeeeeautiful Christmas lights in the centro and Mari, Sylvia, and I decorated our piso for a Christmas party while listen to my scores of Christmas songs.

I wish I could figure out how to put videos on here because I have a endearingly cheesy video that Sylvia took of Mari and I dancing to Mariah's "All I Want for Christmas is You." I will stick by this til the day I die... it really is the little things in life.



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