Wednesday, February 13, 2008

wanna know what's dumb?

"All good things must come to an end."

That's dumb.
Who decided good things have to end?
Who's the genius who fears a world full of goodness... thank the Lord that place doesn't exist.

I tried to Wikipedia it, and it told sent me to some article about the Star Trek series finale, forever proving Wikipedia's unreliability as a veritable source of information. (Although I will continue to appreciate and take advantage of its wide range of serviceable albeit occasionally arbitrary information.)

So I just consented to googling it which led me to another perhaps questionable source who claimed it dates back to Chaucer in 1374.

I dunno... I feel better about calling a fake alien a dummy rather than Geoffrey Chaucer... but truth be told, I just hate the phrase, and all that it stands for, and you can't change me.

Yes, all things may have to end, but why do we have emphasize the fact that the good things do in a trite cliché masquerading as an penetrating proverb?

Ok, fine... tonight was one of those really precious nights that made me sad that my roommates are getting married and moving out of our apartment this year.


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