Monday, February 11, 2008


I am 24.

This past weekend, I achieved a new state of being that I had never reached in childhood.

I can now ride my bike WITH NO HANDS.

And I don't just mean milliseconds of tense jazz-hand-like spread fingers before grasping the handlebars again before careening into an orange tree... I mean minutes upon minutes, meters upon meters of by my side, out like a T, up in the air or even bouncin' along, dancin' to Timbaland (that's right... I ride with the ipod, which I'm pretty sure is illegal.)

I am the red-headed bike rider who is unafraid to ride while wearing a skirt, throw her hands up in the air, and move to "it's to laaaaaaate to apologize..." on the main drag of Paseo de las Palmeras. What? I already stand out anyway.

The ride to work just got that much more fun. Move over, World, here I come. (And I've got a little bell to ding if you get in my way.)

Addendum: It's gotta be pretty discomposing for a dude on a bike to get the pass from a chick... wearing a skirt, listening to Kelly Clarkson, and riding with no hands. Toma.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooookkkkkaaaaaayyyyyy, not the kind of thing your mom wants to read......."look mom, no hands" is usually followed by "look mom, no teeth." hahahaha, be careful, love you, mom

3:20 AM  

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